Новости Экокомплекса
Rest on Seliger in Ecocomplex SDL

Seliger is ideal for recreation, hunting and fishing

Seliger is a unique natural region located on the Valdai Upland. It is located between Moscow and St. Petersburg. We are used to think that Seliger is a huge lake, but in reality it includes extensive forests, marshes and dozens of lakes, where practically all kinds of animals, birds and plants are found that are characteristic of the central strip of Russia. It really is a place of unreal force, because its landscape, clean air, unique microclimate, as well as its ancient history - all this magically heals a person on the spiritual and physical levels. You yourself will feel it, try it! By the way, the region of Lake Seliger is officially considered the most ecologically clean region in all modern Europe! Rest on Valdai is guaranteed to bring unforgettable impressions to your life.

Rest on Seliger

The Ecocomplex "SDL" is located in the heart of the Seliger region on the shore of the beautiful Lake Sig, just ten kilometers from the ancient town of Ostashkov, on more than one hundred hectares. We are pleased to offer our guests a high level of service and enjoy untouched virgin nature.

There are a lot of hotels, tourist centers, hotels, boarding houses and recreation centers on Seliger, but the Ecocomplex "SDL" is the largest resrot combining all the best from Seliger's and ecotourism. We are proud to consider our complex as an ideal place to relax with your family, friends or corporate events.

Eco-friendly holidays in the Hotel on Lake Seliger

Eco-friendly holidays in the Hotel on lake Seliger

We wholeheartedly support the modern trend of ecotourism, therefore we fulfilled such mandatory items as constructions made from natural wood, no harm to nature from daily life activity; We have vegetables and greens from our own beds, dairy and meat products - from nearby eco-farms, berries and mushrooms - from the forest, what can we say, even honey has its own.

Hunting and fishing on Lake Seliger

Hunting and fishing on Lake Seliger

Fishing and hunting in Seliger since time immemorial have been the main fishery for the local inhabitants, but there have always been enough fish and game for visitors. Shooting club "SDL" is happy to offer its services in organizing hunting and fishing on Lake Seliger to all comers.

Of the many services of our club, I especially want to highlight the possibility to organize at any time of year the hunt for a deer with a bow, crossbow, and in fact not many recreation centers on Seliger and even hunting farms of the Tver region can offer it!

Rest on Seliger with children

Rest on Seliger with children
Particular attention is paid to family rest. A lot of entertainment and home conditions were created for children. In the summer we offer boating, boats, horses, ponies, electric cars, bicycles, and in the winter - on sledges, skates, skis, and so on. Holidays with children - it's always great!

And we also have an eco-farm, in which there live all kinds of domestic birds, pheasants, rabbits, sheep, goats and even real ostriches. We promise that the children will be delighted!

In our eco-farm there is also a year-round greenhouse, an orchard and an apiary!

Active summer and winter holidays on Seliger

Единственный крытый бассейн на Селигере
All year round the doors of our famous indoor pool, spa center, as well as an entertainment center with billiards, bowling, air hockey and a bar are open all year round.

We invite everyone to our wood-burning sauna. We have a lot of them: both stand-alone, and as part of the VIP complexes, "Lesnaya Zaimka", "Dalnaya Zaimka". You are waiting for hot Russian steam rooms, cool pools in the inner courtyards, fresh brooms from birch or oak, and, of course, informal communication with the company in cozy rooms - all this is a real holiday on Lake Seliger.

Active recreation on Seliger our guests will be helped by a variety of sports grounds, golf course, tennis courts, shooting.

Place for corporate events

A resort of business people and the most modern recreation center on Seliger. For corporate and business clients, we have meeting rooms, a conference room, high-speed Internet, video equipment, SIP-telephony, as well as event organizers. The biggest place for corporate events and team building in nature in the region.

Эскускурсии, достопримечательности и путёвки на Селигере
If you are really interested in the Seliger region, its geography and history, we offer excursions to the sights of the region. With us you will visit sacred and sacred places, you can feel the adrenaline from jeep safari on the forest roads in search of ancient artifacts. You really understand what Pushkin meant by saying: "There's a Russian spirit ... there Rus smells!". From the heights of Seliger, to the most mysterious and poorly studied places. We organize both group and individual excursions and tours to Seliger. The hotel is equidistant from All sights, which makes its location very advantageous.

Choosing us, you choose the perfect holiday in the nature of Seliger region!
Вакансии Экокомплекса

Оператор котельной


  • График работы: Сменный
  • Смены: 1/3
  • Частота выплат: Дважды в месяц
  • Опыт работы: Без опыта
  • Что получают работники: униформа, проживание, транспорт до работы
  • В том числе для кандидатов: старше 45 лет
  • Сфера деятельности: Туризм, рестораны


За оператором котельной закреплены следующие обязанности:

  • Обеспечение текущего функционирования работы котельной
  • Взаимодействие с другими сотрудниками предприятия по вопросам своей деятельности
  • Текущая проверка качества работы котлов и иного оборудования
  • Заполнение журнала смены и другой документации
  • Мониторинг соблюдения нормативов технологической и пожарной безопасности
  • Снятие показаний измерительных приборов и контроль за их состоянием
  • Выявление дефектов в оборудовании и проведение текущего ремонта
  • Информирование руководителей о необходимости в запчастях и агрегатах
  • Проведение регулярных осмотров котельной на предмет соответствия параметров её функционирования установленным требованиям
  • Участие в проверке качества профилактических и ремонтных мероприятий
  • Изменение режима работы котлов согласно установленным правилам
  • Принятие мер по остановке работы котельной в случае возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации
  • Измерение наличия пара, воды и других ингредиентов, необходимых в деятельности котельной
  • Проверка параметров подачи топлива для котлов
  • Участие в проводимых специалистами профильных инструктажах и тренировках
  • Прохождение профподготовки в порядке, установленном в соответствующей документации

Контакты для связи

+7 910 646-37-13

Администратор по безопасности вахта


  • График работы: Вахтовый
  • Частота выплат: Дважды в месяц
  • Опыт работы: Более 1 года
  • Что получают работники: униформа, проживание
  • В том числе для кандидатов: старше 45 лет
  • Сфера деятельности: Туризм, рестораны


Обеспечение порядка, контроль за эксплуатацией туристического объекта.

  • бывшие привлечения не приветствуется
  • Без вредных злоупотреблений

Предоставление проживания на объекте, униформа.
Есть возможность дополнительного заработка (истопка бани, мелкий ремонт, уборка снега)

Контакты для связи

+7 910 646-37-13